No. 10 - Why do I still feel stuck?

Feeling stuck often feels like there is something in your way .. blocking your way forward or holding you back. If you slow down, you may notice energetically it feels as though there is something before you, like a wall or a barricade. Or it may feel as though something is holding you back, as though you’re shackled and unable to move forward. But really, our dear love, being stuck is a sign that there is something to be released. You’re not stuck. You’re moving forward. You’ve just yet to let go and release what’s tethering you to what was.
You feel stuck because you are holding onto what was, dear one. You feel stuck because you’re frightened to let go of yesterday even though you deeply desire to feel present in today. You feel stuck because the grief of letting go feels too heavy and you’re not sure how to move through it.
Grief is what you experience when are struggling to let go of what’s ready to be released, or what’s already gone. This is true of people and places and even who you believe yourself to be.

You feel stuck because you’re holding onto old ways of being and old fears and old beliefs about yourself that no longer feel true or comfortable (if they did, you wouldn’t feel stuck) but that you’re frightened to release… because to release them would mean letting go of who you once were. There is a tenderness there, our dear one.
But, come close and listen…
That is the essence of life. When your heart is wide open to this human experience, it feels incredibly tender. So many of you say that when you connect with us you have tears that begin to fall from your eyes. And by “us” we are referring to the realm of non-physical, of spirit… you slow down and open that connection and the tears start to pour forth. And you say, ‘Oh, this doesn’t feel like sadness and I’m not sure what this is.’ That, our loves, is the tenderness we are referring to. It is the tenderness you feel when you are fully alive, fully present, not clinging to what was. It’s the tenderness you feel when you let go and you fly. It’s the tenderness of coming home to yourself.
That tenderness is the feeling of feeling fully alive.

So, our dear beautiful friend, we want you to know that it may feel scary and frightening to move forward. It may even feel sad to let go of where you’ve been living and who you’ve experienced yourself as. After all, the you that you've been has carried yourself so far. And this is who you’ve known yourself to be. And yet, you are in the midst of a grand becoming. And to become, you must let go. The butterfly is your teacher of this. To become the butterfly, it had to first let go of who it’d always known itself to be as the caterpillar. It had to release its attachment to crawling along the earth’s floor and the safety it felt being grounded. And it had to feel the uncertainty of flying, of becoming something completely new and seeing this world from a whole new vantage point.
Spread your wings and fly. Feel the grief of letting go. And know that you are so divinely held. We are beyond thrilled for you to witness and experience what awaits you.
And if you’re right now worrying that letting go means forgetting the people or places or things you’ve been grieving, we would say no, not at all. Quite the contrary, our love. It actually means remembering them and all of this for who they truly are and what this reality really is. 🙂

We’ll see you on the other side… of the chrysalis. 🦋

xx The Loom, with love


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